Tempeh Poppers
Tempeh is a fermented soybean cake originally from Indonesia. With the whole bean present, it is very high in nutrients like protein, fibre and iron and has a wonderful hearty texture. These tempeh balls are a great snack for children or a main dish for plant-based eaters, especially for the holidays. Get children to help mash the mixture and roll the balls.
1. Preheat oven to 375F and place oil on baking sheet.
2. In a medium pot (or basket steamer), place a small amount of water (~1/2 cup) and the tempeh. Bring to a boil and steam tempeh for 10 minutes. Allow to cool.
3. Meanwhile, place all other ingredients in bowl then crumble in the tempeh. Mash the mixture well then roll into 12 even balls.
4. Place the balls on the oiled baking sheet and roll around to coat them in the oil. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, rolling once or twice to ensure even browning. Balls are done when golden brown and slightly crisped. Serve warm with dipping sauce if desired.
Source: Nicole Fetterly, RD