Managing Screen Time
When possible, TV shows/movies should be interactive and educational. Moderate amounts of educational television or software can help build vocabulary, number or letter skills (through shows such as Dragon Tales and Arthur).
Choose shows that encourage imaginary play and role-playing, and use ideas from the TV show to play with your students.
Children under the age of two should not be exposed to any screen time.
Interactive and educational DVDs will help limit children’s exposure to marketing through commercials. If avoiding commercials is not possible, mute the TV and have the children work on balances, jumping jacks or anything physically active that diverts their attention from the TV during these programming breaks.
If engaging in video games, active video games are preferred and count as recreational screen time. Active video games do not replace physical activity time and should be included in the 30 minutes of screen time or less a day.
Adapted from CSEP Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines 0-4 Years and Media Smarts.