Food Collage

3-5 years
Child Development
This activity is a great craft for children to do on a rainy day. While children are working on their collage, you can talk to them about the four food groups.
Paper to glue on
Grocery store flyers (lots!)
How to Play

While children are working on their collage, you can talk to them about their favourite foods.” 

1. Ask children about visiting the grocery store and the foods they buy there. "What are their favourite vegetables and fruits to buy?”
2. Ask children to use the grocery store flyers to cut out food they like to eat.
3. Be sure not to judge or shame children about the foods they choose. Children under 5 are not ready to learn about the varying ways foods can be healthy or less healthy. Keep it positive! If you’re concerned about which foods they will cut out, consider limiting the flyers to the vegetables and fruits pages.”

Adapted from Healthy After Schools