Pouring and Serving

Encourage children to practice pouring and serving while playing. This activity helps to develop fine motor skills, practice table talk and manners to be successful at meals and snack time.

Practice pouring during bath time using water, plastic cups and pitchers. Let your child play in her own way, such as: 

  • Practice pouring sand in the sandbox or use a dishpan filled with sand.
  • Mark cups with lines at different levels and practice pouring close to the lines.
  • Encourage children to serve themselves at meals and snack time with foods that are okay to spill (e.g. dry cereal, shredded cheese, fruit slices).
  • Add some sponges to the bath when practicing pouring. Talk about how the sponges soak up water and show your child how to wring them out.

Table manners go together naturally with serving and pouring. This is an excellent time for your child to learn and practice “please” and “thank you”.

Have children help with any clean up needed from this activity to help teach responsibility as well as understand that spills can happen and we don’t have to stress about them. 

Safety Tip: Use unbreakable utensils and serving dishes for practicing pouring and serving.