Song: Playing in the playground

A call and response song. While singing the verse, march on the spot until the movement at the end.


Call: Playing on the playground
Response: Playing on the playground
Call: What do I see?
Response: What do I see?
Call: I can see a mummy
Response: I can see a mummy
Call: Jumping with me
Response: Jumping with me
Then jump around for 10-15 seconds

Other verses:

I can see a daddy
Stretching with with me
Then stretch up and to the side for 10-15 seconds

I can see a little boy
Balancing with me
Then balance on one foot for 10-15 seconds

I can see a little girl
Hopping with me
Then hop (on one foot) for 10-15 seconds

I can see a granny
Running with me
Then run on the spot for 10-15 seconds

I can see a grandpa
Resting with me
Then lay on the ground for 20 seconds

For an example of this song, take a look at this video on Cosmic Yoga