Using positive language

As parents, we play a crucial role in shaping our children's attitudes and behaviors, including their approach to physical activity. One powerful tool we have at our disposal is positive language. By using positive and empowering words when discussing physical activity with our children, we can foster a love for movement, boost their confidence, and promote a healthy and active lifestyle.

Positive language instills a sense of self-belief and confidence in children. When we use words that focus on their abilities and strengths, they feel empowered to engage in physical activities and overcome challenges. In addition, by using positive language, we can shape our children's perception of physical activity as fun and enjoyable. This positive association fosters a lifelong love for movement, making it more likely that they will continue to engage in active behaviors as they grow.

Positive language also promotes effective communication between parents and children. It creates a supportive and nurturing environment where children feel comfortable expressing themselves and seeking guidance. This open dialogue strengthens the parent-child relationship and encourages children to share their thoughts and feelings about physical activity.

In order to begin to change the language you use, there are some simple actions that you can take. First of all, you should focus on what they can do. Highlight the abilities and achievements of your child rather than emphasizing limitations or restrictions. For example, say, "You're running so fast!" or "You have great balance while hopping!".

The words we use are also important, and they should be encouraging and specific. By providing specific feedback about their physical activity behaviors we can increase motivation and confidence. For instance, say, "I love how you're using your whole body to climb that jungle gym!" or "Your jumping skills are impressive!" instead of saying “good job!”.

Other examples of positive statements are below

Instead of…                                                                     Say.......

"Stop running!"                                                         "Let's find a safe space to run and have fun!"

“Don’t climb on that”                                             “We should keep our feet on the floor and find somewhere to climb later”

"Be careful!"                                                               "Remember to take your time and stay focused."                                                

Using positive language can have a transformative impact on our children's relationship with physical activity. By adopting positive strategies and reframing negative statements, we create an environment that promotes confidence, enjoyment, and a healthy mindset towards movement. We can empower our children with positive words, encouraging them to embrace an active lifestyle and lay the foundation for a lifetime of well-being.