Invitation to Play - Risky Play at Your Centre

Creating an environment that encourages risk in children’s play is a way to invite children to continue to be active. This can be facilitated in a number of ways both inside and outside:


  • Create a space that can be used for rough and tumble play. Create a sign that shows when the space is ‘open’ for that type of activity.
  • Place large t-shirts in the space that can be used for ‘big body’ play by two or more children wearing them at the same time. 
  • Use large wooden toy blocks to create an obstacle course.
  • Add real tools such as tape measures, screwdrivers, pliers and other items to your craft box.


  • Add log rounds, wooden balance beams, large car tires and other items that can be stood on and moved around.
  • Encourage climbing up the slide.
  • Place bells or items in places that require balance or engaging with heights. For example, a bell on the outside of a play structure that requires the children to maneuver on the item in a different way.