All Resources

Browse our website’s collection of food, feeding and physical activity tips, recommended practices, recipes and much more!  You can find early years resources for at home, in child care centres and that can be done indoors and outdoors.
Young boy running

Let's fly

Healthy snack for all ages

Healthy Snacks

Child watering vegetables that are growing in a garden.

Who's Your Mama

Children with early years provider playing in a circle

Developing and Implementing a Physical Activity Policy

Paper bag on a desk with an apple beside it.

Mystery Box

cloud catching

Cloud catching

veg mac and cheese

Mixed Veggie Mac and Cheese

Young boy with Down Syndrome being lifted up

Types of Physical Activity

Young children with fruit and vegetables

Creating a Bundle of Fun - Using Themes to Incorporate Food Literacy

laundry basket

Laundry basket ball

carrott bran muffins

Carrot Bran Muffins

knock down

Knock down

Radish made of play dough on white background.

Play Dough Food Choices

fruit pizza

Fruit Pizza

stick and ball

Push around

Kids playing in a preschool physical activity environment

Facilitating a Positive Physical Activity Environment