All Resources

Browse our website’s collection of food, feeding and physical activity tips, recommended practices, recipes and much more!  You can find early years resources for at home, in child care centres and that can be done indoors and outdoors.
Hiking in the winter with the whole family

Family Tips: Active Parent Role Modelling

Toddler feeding play food to a doll

Food Safety in Child Care Facilities

fruit smoothie

Fruity Smoothie

Adult male and boy high fiving

Food Free Rewards

Child is on a pink yoga mat doing a yoga pose.

Yoga poses

Woman breastfeeding child.

Ways to Support Breastfeeding and Infant Nutrition


Wriggly ribbons

Child with glass of water

Healthy Drinks for Children



walk and talk

Walk and talk

Infant developing movement skills of reaching and crawling

Introducing Fundamental Movement Skills

Infant crawling towards toy

Family Tips: Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines

yogurt pops

Yogurt Pops

A variety of foods that are green in colour on a white background.

Colour Days

pots and pans

Join the band

Physical Activity Equipment List