All Resources

Browse our website’s collection of food, feeding and physical activity tips, recommended practices, recipes and much more!  You can find early years resources for at home, in child care centres and that can be done indoors and outdoors.
Balance the balls

Balance the balls

lettuce wrap

Lettuce Wraps

Bubbles and sticks

Bubbles and Sticks

Omega 3 foods

The Importance of DHA

Roll the dice

Roll Your Moves

Lets make dice

Let's Make: Activity Dice



adult on couch

Song: What shall we do with the lazy grown up

Games with tape

Games with Masking Tape

Adult influence on childs eating

Your Influence On Your Child’s Eating Behaviour

Dragon Boat

Dragon Boat Festival

What am I?

What am I?

Moroccan chickpeas

Moroccan Chickpeas

Kids running

Do You Prefer?

Balloon tennis

Balloon Tennis

Let’s Make Tennis Racquets