All Resources

Browse our website’s collection of food, feeding and physical activity tips, recommended practices, recipes and much more!  You can find early years resources for at home, in child care centres and that can be done indoors and outdoors.
Sweet potatoes growing on farm.

Sweet Potato Soup

Girl stirring baking ingredients in a red bowl.

Making Baking & Bake Sales Delicious and Nutritious

Picture of an instrument that jingles (red with gold bells)

Let's Make Jingle Stick

Vegetables on a cutting board.

Seasonally Available Fruits and Vegetables in British Columbia

Baby with caregiver.

Marketing to Kids

Volcanoes and Craters

Volcanoes and craters

Baby eating soft food

Baby’s First Foods

Mother with baby eating strawberries at a table.

Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility in Feeding

Family eating a meal together.

Talking During Meals and Snacks

A small child is outside and playing with balloons.

Hot Potato

Baby eating food with a spoon.

Picky or Fussy Eating

Child eating food and showing teeth

Preventing Tooth Decay in Children

Fruit and vegetable platter

About Juice

banana muffins

Banana Applesauce Muffins

veg with dilly dip

Vegetables with Dilly Dip


Let's Make Ribbons