All Resources

Browse our website’s collection of food, feeding and physical activity tips, recommended practices, recipes and much more!  You can find early years resources for at home, in child care centres and that can be done indoors and outdoors.

Let's Make Maracas


10 Healthy Lunch Ideas

Family making a recipe together

Tips for Selecting New Recipes

Food selection on table

Developing and Implementing a Healthy Eating Policy

Three bean bags on display

Bean bag golf

Bread with a star made out of food

Ways to Communicate With Families About Healthy Eating

carrot soup

Carrot Soup with Cumin

vegetable minestrone soup

Vegetable Minestrone Soup

Child in front of net, holding a soccer ball.


Early years provider teaching children about food

Being a Role Model for Healthy Eating

veg stirfry

Veggie Stir Fry

Child with pink balloons


Kids reading a book together

Healthy Eating Books

Fruit and vegetables at a market stall

Choking Prevention

Colourful plastic cups on a white floor and background.

Catching cups

apple sauce
